Why?: One of many CDs I borrowed from a friend at work and loved. Purchased via Amazon.
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Norwegian Black Metal. Exactly the kind of metal I used to hate. Just keep kickin' those kick drums and screaming fellas.
But Keep Of Kalessin aren't like that. For starters, they're "Melodic" Black Metal. The vocals are screamed, but in a way in which the lyrics are easily decipherable. The drums are played faster than can be believed, but with many an interesting fill. The guitars are incredible, with every song filled with incredible collections of riffs, acoustic jams, epic solos.
"Crown Of The Kings" is fantastic, and probably best describes my love for this album. I need to steal a quote from RevengeISeek666's review on Encyclopaedia Metallum as I think it says it best, "The melodic pace of this song is absolutely phenomenal. It never lets out, nor weakens. It breaks everything into millions of pieces and takes your breath away..."
The rest of album isn't any different. I absolutely adore the melodic screamed choruses, the vocal range in general, the chaotic riffing, the incredible musicianship.
This album is close to perfect, and drew me down a very long road of inferior black-metal on a search for something better.