Thursday, 1 January 2015

[2003] Alchemist, "Austral Alien"

Why?: I can't remember why I got into Alchemist. I know their CD "Lunasphere" had been on a tape in my collection from very early on, which makes me think I might have taped from a neighbour. It was the song "Garden of Eroticism" that first grabbed me.

Tell me more!:
I remember buying this and dismissing it very quickly. I didn't enjoy the last album ("Organasm") and felt this was more of the same. The melody wasn't there and the epic long guitar jams were missing.

On this listen though I thoroughly enjoyed it. I loved the slower pace, it gives the guitars a bit of extra oomph, and lets that trademark Alchemist clear-guitar-solo-over-distorted-chords sound shine.

It helps that over the last decade I've learnt to enjoy a much larger range of metal. I now like the shorter songs, the more pop elements. The mix with industrial and progressive reminds me at times of Akercocke, Max Cavalera's projects, Fear Factory or Ministry.

I'm still really not a fan of Alchemist's clean vocal sound, which is used heavily on this album. I much prefer the shout/screams, although clean vocals help the lyrics shine a little more. The album's central theme is Australia's environment and how it has been damaged.

It's not an album I can see myself choosing to listen to very often, but I think I'll continue to enjoy it when I do. I'm interested to have a listen to their previous albums again now. I never bought their last album because of my original dislike of this, but I might track it down now.
