Sunday, 11 January 2015

[1996] Cartoon, "The Annexe"

I never really got into Primus, or any of the bass theatrics bands or their slappy friends. Perhaps I'm merely biased because Cartoon are the first band I enjoyed with decent bass mixed with rock/metal guitars and crazy lyrics... but I'd go as far as to say Cartoon's "The Annexe" is one of the best CDs to come out of the Australian 90s music scene.

Cartoon are silly. They're heavy, they're funky, they're all over the place. Their songs are combinations of awesome riffs, often seemingly random combinations. Their album "Ovine/Bovine", which I enjoy, but no-where near as much as this EP, includes songs called "Sheep" and "Cow" and "Bendy Wendy The Man".

The EP starts with the perfect "Plagued By Vague" and ends with the epic "Leon The Lemming" and everything in between is funky and heavy and silly and joyous. They understand the value of a decent stretch and release, with awesome jumpy choruses, extended jams, crescendo.

I wish I'd seen them live at the time. They recorded a Triple J Live At The Wireless apparently. I'd settle for hearing that if I could ever track it down.
