I bought this cheap a long while ago, probably in a two-for-$10 deal or something.
I, like everyone should be, am a fan of "Rock Lobster", and this, their first album, has that single on it. I would have bought it to hear the song in context, and, to see if anything else on the album is gold.
It's fair to say B-52's had at the time a very solid style and they stuck to it. A lot of the songs have very similar (if not the same) guitar parts to "Rock Lobster". The yelling vocal style persists throughout too.
I have no idea, it isn't my era, but I feel The B-52's are a live band. A party band. They'd have been a heap of fun to watch, and the simple music fun to dance and yell along to.
On an album though... it's missing something. I don't hate it, I just think the songs are a bit long, and shouty, and simple.
"Rock Lobster" is still awesome though.