Saturday, 30 August 2014

[1993] Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. with Faith No More, "Another Body Murdered"

Why?: FNM. But also, the Judgement Night soundtrack is one of, if not the, best "collaboration" record ever produced. Ignore the movie, this 90s concept of pushing "alternative" bands together with "rap" bands worked a treat and it's full of really fun songs. This collaboration between Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. with Faith No More is the best.

Tell me more!:
This single contains a "remix" which is effectively the album version with the swearing all reversed in 90s-censorship style, the radio release, and the album version. So I get to hear it three times. Yes!

I love every element of this song. The piano throughout the track, the looping distorted guitars, the rap, the dirty drums, Patton's freak out screams and "ooohs" in the chorus (his only vocal contribution), the filthy little guitar solo.

Back in the day, this was the first time we'd heard Patton sing like this. It was the first time Faith No More had sounded so heavy. It took a bit of the edge off the news they'd kicked Jim out (Bill plays guitar on this recording), but in hindsight this song isn't so much heavy as chuggy... it's a trick of the production, production I wasn't familiar with in 1994 but later became very common.

I'm frustrated that the video for this (and Ricochet) haven't been officially released. I'm not sure why, but YouTube has the answers of course.

I was wrong above. The "remix" version is likely the video version, as it includes the excellent piano outro that isn't on the album version (which fades out).

I'd love a version with that piano outro, but without the idiot 90s swearing reversals. I suppose I could bash that out in Audacity if I could be bothered...
