What: David Bowie's 12th album. Second of the Berlin Trilogy. Has one of his most famous songs on it.
Why?: I avoided David Bowie for a long time for stupid but obvious reasons. I eventually grew to like his 90s/00s era after hearing a tape of "Earthling". Only very recently, after reading a biography, have I started to fill in the early-years gaps with the "most recommended" albums. "Heroes" is my most recent David Bowie album purchase.
More!: The first few listens of "Heroes" didn't impress, but this time around I paid more attention and found a lot to like.
The opening track, "Beauty and the Beast", is excellent with it's tape noise intro, warped keyboard riff, effected drums and keyboard solos that sound like guitars (or are they guitars that sound like keyboards?), and is that a flute solo?
Clearly "Heroes" is brilliant. I always find myself listening out for the "famous" vocal effect, and every time find myself thinking why not just do it in a couple of takes with different effects on each?...
"Blackout" has a great rant bit in the middle, "get me to the doctor!" which reminds me of some of his later material. I like the crazy keyboard solo that continues under the verse. Interesting song structure.
The second half of the album is what any lazy reviewer (me) would call "soundtrack" music. "V-2 Schneider" with lyrics as-per-title, is great, but the next three songs ("Sense Of Doubt", "Moss Garden" and "Neuköln") are best listened together as one song. I'm never impressed by descending-keys, bits of noise in the background, songs, but by "Neuköln" is begins to work, with the addition of a sax solo and guitars.
The album ends with the excellent "The Secret Life of Arabia", a song which sounds exactly like "80s Bowie" in my head. It's unfortunately placed though as the soundtrack/instrumental tracks really should have ended the album.
If I were to build my own version of "Heroes" I'd play "Beauty and the Beast", "Heroes", "Blackout", "The Secret Life of Arabia", "V-2 Schneider", followed by the three instrumental tracks.
5/10: There is some great stuff on here, but it seems like half an album. Ideas... I much prefer the majority of the other Bowie albums I have.